
Polygamo is a language compiler and general player for abstract games and puzzles.

General game playing is about playing games you’ve never seen before, starting with the rules and figuring out the strategy as you go. It can be done by humans or by machines using ‘artificial intelligence’. More here.

Abstract games are those with no theme, no characters, no story, just rules and a way for players to win or lose. It usually means games of perfect information for two players alternating moves such as most board and paper-and-pencil games, but it needn’t stop there. It can include games for more players, with random elements and with more complex ways of taking turns. It can include games with simple theming, as with chess and other battle games. It can include single player games or puzzles. It’s hard to be sure where to draw the boundaries. Perhaps there are none.

The aim of Polygamo is to allow a human to play any or all of these games, providing there is a Game Description Language to describe them and a device to play them on. The initial release is an implementation of the Zillions Rules File format as a Unity game. The project includes a games library, responsible for parsing the game description and providing the logic to play the game, a player for Unity, and a few sample games.

This is open source software and it is free, in both senses. You are free to download it, free to use it or modify it and free to create games with it, at no charge. If you pass Polygamo or your games on to others you have to do so in exactly the same way: open source, free to use, free to modify and at no charge. Since these games have content the same rules apply not just to the program code and the game description code but also to every image, icon or sound clip that is part of the game. For more details see Licence.

Here are some screenshots.



You can download Polygamo from Github here.