Author Archives: david

A Modern Zillions Player

Zillions is a player of board games according to rules specified in a ZRF rules file. Mostly games are for two players, human against computer, although single player games (puzzles) are possible too. The Zillions rules file is highly flxeible, … Continue reading

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Update release 19j23 now available

Puzzlang is a pattern language for abstract single-player games and puzzles, with a Unity player. This version targets PC desktop and Web browser, but can be built to play on a phone just as easily. You can play it here … Continue reading

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Getting the tiles to line up – 2

So after much experimentation I found a way to make it work. In Inkscape it looks like this. Each of the hexagons is exactly 256 pixels high, and spaced 224 pixels apart. That means they can be imported into Unity … Continue reading

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Getting the tiles to line up

It is surprisingly difficulty to produce hex tiles that line up perfectly. Here is an example of a scrambled grid, showing variations in the spacing of the hex grid itself. As a puzzle it looks good, but at the detail … Continue reading

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Generating loops

The first major algorithm problem is how to generate loops. Here is what I came up with. The algorithm in summary is as follows. Choose a starting point, giving preference to hexes with fewer free edges. Initially this will pick … Continue reading

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Cloning Loop-the-Game

I want to explore two things about this fascinating game: how it generates loops and how the game might be made even better. To do that, first I need a basic clone of the game. Games Platform The platform I … Continue reading

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LOOP: A Tranquil Puzzle Game

LOOP is an elegant puzzle game based on paths through a hex grid. You start with a scrambled grid, swap pairs of hexes and when you finish all the loops link up in perfect harmony (see image). No tutorial, but … Continue reading

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More screenshots

More screenshots showing high-res and text sprites, and mouse support.

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Update release supports cursor and text objects

Update release 18d17 of Puzzlang is now available on Github. This release fixes a few bugs and implements support for cursor games and text objects. The release is here. See the release notes for more information. Screenshot here: And you … Continue reading

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Update release now available

Update release 18c30 of Puzzlang is now available on Github. This release fixes a few bugs and implements a few remaining features of Puzzlescript. See the release notes for more information. Now the real work begins, extending the pattern matching … Continue reading

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